Improving Quality Control in Foundries with ISO 17025-Certified 3D Scanner

What we did?

  • 3D scan
  • quality report


Massard, a highly respected foundry from Luxembourg, is well-known for its commitment to precision. They chose to partner with us for quality control because we have an ISO 17025 certified 3D scanner, which fits perfectly with their focus on precision.

ISO 17025 is a globally recognized standard that sets requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. When a 3D scanner has this certification, it means it meets strict criteria for accuracy, traceability and reliability. This certification proves that the scanner consistently produces reliable results.

This scanner is versatile and has many use cases in foundries:

Casting Inspection:

3D scanning is used to thoroughly inspect castings for defects, such as cracks, voids or irregularities in the metal structure. This ensures that only high quality castings are made during production, reducing the risk of costly rework or product failure.

Mold and core evaluation:

Foundries should use 3D scanning to evaluate the condition and accuracy of molds and cores. By comparing scanned data to CAD models, foundries can identify deviations at an early stage, ensuring that molds and cores meet desired specifications.

Pattern Verification:

The patterns used in the casting process are essential to creating accurate castings. 3D scanning can verify that models are created accurately and without distortion, thus avoiding problems during casting.

Dimensional Verification:

3D scanners are used to check the dimensions of castings against design specifications. This ensures that the final products comply with the required precise measurements, reducing waste and ensuring parts fit tightly into the assemblies.

Maintenance of tools and equipment:

Foundries rely on a variety of tools and equipment. 3D scanning helps monitor the condition of these assets. By comparing analytics with baseline data, foundries can plan for maintenance or replacement, avoiding unplanned downtime.

Reverse engineering:

In cases where accurate documentation of existing molded parts is lacking, 3D scanning will enable reverse engineering. Scanned data can be used to recreate detailed CAD models for future reference or reproduction.

Process Optimization:

3D scanning helps identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the molding process. By analyzing and analyzing each stage of production, foundries can make data-driven improvements, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing production costs.

Quality control documents:
Detailed 3D scans create comprehensive quality control documentation that can be provided to customers and regulatory agencies as evidence of compliance with quality standards and specifications.

Tooling design and assembly:

Foundries often require custom tools and accessories. 3D scanning enables the precise design and manufacturing of these tools, ensuring they meet the unique requirements of the molding process.

In addition to outstanding accuracy, the Creaform Black Elite 3D scanner is also known for its outstanding speed. It swiftly captures intricate details, ensuring that our valuable time is not unnecessarily consumed.

Massard greatly appreciates our partnership as they rely on our quick and accurate responses whenever they request our services. Our mobile 3D scanner enables on-site scanning even in remote locations without a power outlet. We prepare mobile batteries well to ensure that scanning can take place wherever needed. Following the scanning process, our customers will receive an official quality report ensuring that their components meet their specific requirements.